今晚看了行政院的事真的覺得好失望,難過...。不管這些學生是掉進了陷阱,還是為了政府要轉移焦點而被利用,實在太衝動了...。看著還在國會撐著的學生們的付出與努力慢慢被泡進政府的冷湯裡,實在不甘心,又難過。現在回頭一看,政府或許設了很多陷阱,包括馬總統的不懂狀況的回應(以裝傻來點火按已經沒有退路的學生們的氣爆按鈕)...。更氣的是一個國家的總統無能就算了,還耍心機陷害國民,看不起學生!用這樣的心態面對人民的總統要推的協議怎麼可能是為人民好的呢?!用膝蓋想也知道他根本就是一個為他阿祖好而已,沒有其他的。台灣人根本不用做夢說什麼中國會為台灣好,想和台灣簽什麼「win-win-situation」的協議。政府不是不懂,他們是明知故意要簽因為他們覺得他們是祖國的自治區,不是一個國家。所以要他們三思後果不要衝動簽這樣的協議似乎不可能,因為他們是知道後果但是還是堅持要簽。後果?他們心裡想「Who cares?」,但假裝很無辜的受害者模樣,嘆個氣搖搖頭說,「我只是為你們好呀,你們怎麼都不懂我的用心呢...。」沒看過這麼不要臉的偽君子!可是其他台灣人如果連這點都不懂,也實在令我失望了,太笨了...。
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The weather in TW is now suddenly shifted to Autumn... Ah, what a nice breeze... The stinging cruel sunray that used to burns my skin is now softened to much softer baby orange that gently warms my body. And, the dryer-wind is now a cool soft veil to my skin... Sitting on this wooden floor facing my laptop and typing my long forgotten blog entry, I just cannot believe how fast time passes by, and how crazy these past 6 months have been to us...
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We have subway in Kaohsiung now!
Lately, I have received two e-mails consecutively sharing the pictures and story of the just-open hot and fresh Kaohsiung subway station. It is a delightful news to hear especially I am not in Taiwan now. There may still exist some problems to solve in order for the subway to function perfectly, however, this is a step long-waited by the general public for Taiwan to make. Although many other countries in the world have already had subway system across the countries' metropolitan areas, and we have just started now (except for the one in Taipei) here in Southern Taiwan and behind by years, I am still very delighted to know that our subway system started to run.
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