好像已經填滿了台灣全土的感覺.... (太誇張? )
The "good news" about our pregnancy seemed to have
already spread all over the land back home... (too exaggerated?)
Ever since, we've been receiving blessings and greetings
from families and friends. We are so blessed, happy and joyful.
We also received many caring and encouraging words.
After all, we are not alone on our new journey with our baby...
Our baby is so blessed. S/he received so uncountable blessings and unmeasurable love. People's care and love gently embrased him/her tiny 5cm body inside my womb and added so much more strength for him/her to grow. S/he is still so tiny and unable to thank everybody or greet those who sent blessings, so on behalf of our tiny tummy alien, we thank you all for your profound blessings for him/her. S/he is so blessed beyond our expectation. S/he hasn't even born yet, but already so many people are looking forward to meeting him/her! So many people have already put their hearts, cares and prayers for him/her. Knowing this, we deeply realize that we do have the responsibility of "being parents." The more blessings and love we receive from our beloved families and friends, the better we need to teach him/her to have a heart of thankfulness. We don't want him/her to take everybody's love and care for granted. We don't want to spoil him/her. As s/he is preparing to meet everybody for another 6 months inside my womb, we also have to prepare to be a good father and mother in return to the blessings and love that we've received from everyone.
這個禮拜完,我們就結束前三個月的孕期了。孕期大約分了三段,前三個月,中三個月以及後三個月。前三個月聽說是最痛苦的。因為剛懷孕,要適應懷孕這個事實。Hormone的變化讓一個孕婦變成一個瘋婆。(我因該算是mild吧...?) 他讓一個孕婦變的不太能吃東西的模特兒級的少量食者。(可惜並不一定是模特兒級的身材....) 肚子越來越大,夜晚睡眠中的頻尿,情緒的上上下下,噁心等等,一大推奇奇怪怪的現象都跑出來。中三個月聽說是比較穩定。媽媽跟寶寶 (因此爸爸也會) 都比較高興。這也是在懷孕期限中最適合旅遊的一段時間。後三個月就又辛苦了。因為肚子越來越大,抱個大大的球,活動都變得不容易。要坐,要起,要剪指甲都困難。(我記得我姊姊懷孕時,後三個月我幫姊姊穿鞋子過....) 身體也越來越重,所以也會很累。
This is the last week of our first trimester. Pregnancy can largely be divided into three trimesters (3-mo period): the first, second and third or last trimester. The first trimester seems to be the toughest. In the first trimester, we've just found out that we were pregnant. So, first we have to adjust ourselves to this truth that we are actually growing a life inside. (This didn't really come to reality until I saw our baby when we had first ECHO.) Also due to hormonal changes, one sweet woman may change to a mad mental hospital patient just in a snap of the fingers. Her appetite may decreased to the level of super model in Paris Collection Show (although not necessarily the body size....). The tummy will gradually grow, more frequent washroom trips, emotional rollercoaster, nausea, etc. etc. So many weird changes happen during this period. The second trimester seems to be more stable compared with the first one, both for moms and babies. This is also the best time for traveling if that is in the plan. The third or last trimester seemed to be a quite tough one due to the now already huge like an exercise ball size tummy. The movement isn't so free anymore. Simply sitting down and standing up can be quite a lot of work. Cutting finger nails can be very hard, too! (I remember during the last trimester, I have helped my sister put on her shoes....) The body gets heavier, thus moms becoming more tired.
這樣說來,我還有兩個三個月要過。說來說去也過了三個月了,真的好快。昨天跟今天 (目前) 感覺還不錯。昨天是一整天都沒有不舒服過。那種感覺真棒!!! 可是還是有點像在走有地雷的路。就是很怕下一刻就會不舒服。可是都沒有。我一整天都好好的。心情也不錯。昨晚除了量比較少,雞湯沒法喝之外,我跟老公吃了一樣東西!!! 好久沒跟他吃一樣的晚餐了。是不是害喜快要結束了~~~!? 希望如此啊~~~!!! 今天目前還不錯,希望會越來越好。等一下去曬曬衣服再去休息一下.... 現在還是沒睡多就會不舒服....。
So, I still have another two trimesters. Before I realize it, it's already the end of the trimester. So fast! I actually felt quite well yesterday and today (so far). I enjoyed the entire day yesterday without feeling sick at all. It's so great not to feel sick!!! (It's been so long that I've already forgotten what it was like not to feel sick....) But, I did still feel like I was walking on a path with hidden land mines.... I mean, I don't know when the "sickness" will come back and destroy my day... But, it didn't! I was good the entire day! I felt good as well. I also ate the same thing as my husband did last night except that I still could not eat the normal portion, and the chicken soup was unbearable. Is my morning sickness over~~~~~~!? I really really really hope so!!! Today, I'm so far so good, and hope that I will be better everyday! Later I will get the laundry done and go to rest a bit. I still need to sleep more to have the strength.....

My husband is now editing the ECHO video. When he's done with it, we will share the video with everyone.