
 The breakfast starts at 7am on the 8F, which is the roof top floor of the hotel building. We woke up, got ourselves ready, then we head up to 8F taking the stairs instead of the elevator. As we were coming closer to the roof top floor, the stair cases were filled with more and more sunlight. By the time we reached the 8F, it was so bright that my heart was immediately lightened up and filled with warm sunlight at every corner of it. 

早餐是在飯店的頂樓(8F), 7點開始提供10點結束. 所以我們起床之後簡單整理一下就去吃早餐了. 本來要搭電梯上去, 但電梯一直都不來, 想說閒著也閒著, 就走樓梯上去吧. (我們住在2樓) 我一步一步砰砰輕跳走上去. 當我們越靠近頂樓時, 樓梯越來越亮, 充滿了陽光, 當我們走到8樓時, 連我的心也越來越溫暖, 越來越開心, 輕輕地歡唱起舞來. 

The restaurant was surrounded by glass windows, through wich the sunlight freely penetrated and filled the entire room. The breakfast was a buffet style, although not with lots of varietries, but was quite nice. Well, honestly, the fact that we could have breakfast in the sunlight filled restaurant made me already satisfied and full. There were outside and inside tables. Since there was a little bit of wind outside, we chose to sit inside to enjoy the view. Before the breakfast, we took a little tour around the restaurant to see the morning Athen city. The buildings were sparkling in the sun. The mountains surround the city at afar. We noticed that every roof top held the solar-system that generated the electricity. With such a strong sunlight ray, it makes a perfect sense to take advantage of this free energy source. After all, Europe is said to be the leader of environmental protection.

飯店餐廳的牆壁都是大玻璃窗, 所以雅典早上的陽光全照近這個小餐廳裡. 早餐是自助式, 雖然菜色不是很豐富, 但還不錯. 其實餐廳充滿了陽光這一點就已經讓我的心很滿足, 所以不用吃什麼也快"飽"了. (快飽了,但還沒飽, 所以還是須要吃一點啦...) 飯店餐廳有外桌跟內桌. 雖然很想坐在外面享受早上閃爍的陽光到極點, 但雅典早晨的風還是有一點點冷, 我們選擇從裡面享受就好. 吃早餐之前, 我們在餐廳周圍晃了一下, 看看早晨的雅典. 陽光照明雅典密集的房子群, 白白的牆壁都發亮了! 低低的山脈就像一個媽媽用她溫柔的雙手抱著小孩一樣, 遠遠地圍著這樣的雅典市. 我們發現幾乎每一戶房子的屋頂都有裝太陽能發電器. 也對, 陽光這麼強, 也因該好好利用這樣"免費"的電源. 果然, 歐洲還是講究環保的先進區.

After the breakfast, we packed our baggage and checked out. Since our originally booked hotel was the Crystal City Hotel which is closer to the metro station, we asked the receptionist if we could leave our baggage in the Crystal instead of Golden. The receptionist kindly called the Crystal and got the permission for us. She even offered to deliver our baggage to the Crystal so that we did not have to carry it there ourselves. We were very thankful. It saved us quite some work! In a very nice mood, we thanked the receptionist lady and headed down to the metro station. 

吃完早餐, 我們把行李整理好, 辦退房手續. 因為拿著行李行動不方便, 我們問櫃台小姐能不能讓我們把行李寄託在我們原本訂的Crystal(因為離metro station比較近). 櫃台小姐很樂意的幫我們打個電話去Crystal問, 還說要幫我們送行李到Crystal, 這樣我們就不用自己拿行李去. 我們就很感謝地請她幫我們這樣處理, 因此省了好多勞力! 謝謝櫃台小姐的用心, 我們很開心地往metro station走.  

Our plan today was to explore the Athens city. The main destination were the Parliament, and of course, the famous Acropolis! Not until you have visited Acropolis that you can say you've been to Athens. So, with last night's metro experience, now we were the experts. We bought 1-day ticket and hopped onto the red line at Metaxoughio station, and after passing the Omonia station, our first stop was Syntagma station to see the Parliament, which was located right across the street from Syntagma Square.

我們今天的行程就是要探險雅典市, 重點就是希臘國議會館(The Parliament), 還有當然幾乎沒人不知道的Acropolis古蹟! 如沒看Acropolis就不算來到雅典了. 因為昨晚大概摸透了捷運系統, 現在我們因該算是專家囉.   首先我們買了一日票, 在Metaxoughio站搭紅線車, 往南過了Omonia站就是Syntagma站了. The Parliament building就在Syntagma站出來的 Syntagma Square對面, 過馬路就到了.  

The statue-like guards take shift every hour. We got there around 9:10am. So, unfortunately, the famous rotation performance was already over. Nevertheless, we decided to go to see those poker-face guards following the tourist groups gathering up around them. They don't move, smile or sneeze, of course, much like those guards in front of 中正記念堂 in Taiwan. I asked my husband to take picture for me with one of the guards. As I was standing next to the tall and strong man while my husband was taking our pictures, surprisingly this guard took a deep breathe, like, "Ha~.....!" with his shoulders went up and down. He tried his very best not to be noticible, but standing right next to him, his effort did not yield very good result to me. Alas, alas, I heard everything!  I encouraged my husband to take picture with one of the guards. He was shy about it at the beginning, but I urged him to go because it was such a rare chance! So, he went. We both accomplished the mission as the tourists. So, now, we headed up to the Acropolis. 

好像銅像不動的兩位衛兵每整時會跟另一隊交換, 表演交換行事. 但因為我們大約9點多才到Partiament, 交換表演剛結束不久, 可惜沒看到. 但, 想說先看看也好, 我們就往一推觀光客集中的Parliament前面廣場走. 衛兵不動, 不笑, 當然也不打噴涕, 很像我們台灣的中正紀念堂前面的衛兵. 我請老公幫我跟其中一個衛兵拍拍照做紀念. 當我站在一位衛兵的旁邊時, 我很驚訝聽到這一位衛兵盡量壓迫自己肩膀上下動作, 嘆氣深呼吸. 他很努力地不要被我發現他也是"人"的痕跡, 但, 對不起, 我全聽到了.   我鼓勵老公也跟他拍拍照, 剛開始不好意思的老公, 但因為這是很難得的機會, 被我說服了, 他慢慢地走近其中一個衛兵先生的旁邊站. 好, 這樣我們兩個都完成觀光客的任務, 接下往Acropolis走.   

It was a very nice walk up to Acropolis. Not only the weather was nice (actually quite hot), but the view was also great. I don't know how we got there because we took small streets between the buildings. But, Acropolis was big enough to be found wherever we were. So, we just walked toward that direction. You probably have to make a lot of effort of losing the direction.

到Acropolis的路很舒服. 不只是天氣好(其實很熱....), 景觀也美. 因為我們繞房子中沒規律的小路, 我根本不知道我們怎麼走到Acropolis, 但是Acropolis實在夠大, 從遠遠就看得到, 所以很容易認方向, 不會迷路. 

The enterance ticket cost 12euro/person to access all the sites at Acropolis. There were many guards at this archiological treasure who protected it and constantly told the tourists not to touch, sit or lie on it. There was one guy sitting on the Odeum of Heodes, the small semi-sphare square down the mountain of Acropolis, and so does everyone else. Since the weather was so nice and warm, he decided to lay down on the marble seat instead of just sitting. Not long after he yielded his entire body all the way down to rest, one of the upset guards shouted beneath the stepped seats. "Sir, you are not allowed to lie down!" She was angry. But, the guy did not hear her screaming at him, so he remained lying on the national treasure that this guard protect with her life. The lady came all the way up to him. "Sir, you are not allowed to lie down!" The guy finally realized that this outraged lady was talking to him. So, he got up and shrugged his shoulders to express his reluctant obedience. My husband and I looked at each other wondering why sitting was allowed while lying on it was not. "好好笑的logic哦," my huaband said. "對啊..." I could not agree more. 

入場費是一個人12歐元, 有了這張票可以進去幾乎Acropolis內所有的古蹟. 很多管理員站在Acropolis的每一個點, 很小心地保護著這個歷史上讓希臘威風的古蹟, 隨時釘著觀光客, 只要你小小碰一下, 坐一下或是躺一下這個古蹟, 他們就很抓狂地向你大叫, 喊叫"不要碰!!!", "不要坐!!!", "不要躺!!!" 有一位穿短褲短袖的觀光客先生, 因為天氣很暖和, 陽光很舒服, 又有微風吹, 他決定躺下眼睛閉下享受這樣的正午時刻. 但是可憐的他, 一躺下來不久, 管理員就從遠處向他很生氣的大喊, "先生, 你不可以躺下!!!" 但, 這位先生沒想到他就是這位犯了禁忌的"先生", 不管, 繼續享受他的午覺. 煙快從她的頭頂冒出燒焦她的短髮, 管理員繼續邊喊邊走近, 給這位可憐的先生嚴肅的警告... 這位先生終於發現她就是在跟自己說話, 挺身, 很不能了解的表情只好聽話順服命令. 我跟老公也覺得很奇怪, 因為這邊是可以坐的地方, 為什麼不能躺呢? 其實已物理學的角度看, 躺著會讓重量平均的分布, 因此因該對古蹟的傷害能減少最低才對..... 老公笑說很奇怪的Logic. 所以如是各位有機會去Acropolis, 要好好記得, 你的手指頭不小心小小碰到而已他們就會這樣, 如你碰, 這個古蹟真的漰垮了, 喔~~~~, 後果我就不敢想像囉~. 要小心, 好好保護它, 它是很脆弱的.     

The way up to the gigantic Parthenon proudly standing on the top of the mountain was long and steep. You can actually hike up along the mountain skin or take the snake like path around the hill. Either way, it will take you approximately 1 hour to just get to the top. There were many many many tourists although this was supposed to be the less busier winter season. It is just impossible to take picture without any human being in it. The weather was hot, well, probably because we were literally hiking the mountain. Many people were in their summer outfit such as summer dresses, short pants, T-shirts and even tank-tops. It was funny to notice all the dogs that we saw here in Athens, most of them were sleeping soundly anywhere they liked as if this entire Acropolis was their castle! We saw a dog sleeping. We went around and came back to the same spot just to find that he was still sleeping with a slight change of the spot. Even human-being was sleeping on the stone bench! Ah yes, the weather was so nice that it was irrestable and such a waste not to enjoy the nap. 

抵達威風站在山頂的Parthenon神殿的路很長很斜. 你可以直接走上山坡, 或是慢慢走山圍的蛇狀小路 (我們直接爬上山坡), 要走到山上, 大約須要一小時. 雖然說是淡季, 還是到處都是人海, 所以要拍沒有人的照片幾乎是不可能的. 可能因為我們實際在爬上, 覺得很熱, 還有流點汗. 很多人都穿著無袖, 短褲這樣的夏天服裝. 很好笑的是我們看到的狗狗都在睡午覺, 就好像整個古蹟是屬於他們的城堡. 我們看到一隻狗躺著睡, 逛回來還是看到牠睡在同一個地方, 睡的很熟很香. 更好笑的是, 連人都無法抗拒這樣的好天氣, 趴下石椅, 睡著了! 當然囉, 這麼好的天氣怎麼能浪費掉它, 不好好睡個溫暖陽光擁抱的午覺怎麼行呢?

The view from Acropolis was gorgeous. Unfortunately, I do not have enough vocabulary to describe the view. So, I hope my pictures will do the job for me. We took so many picture at Acropolis. Or better yet, I sincerely hope that one day all of you have a chance to visit Acropolis yourselves.... 

從Acropolis看下的景觀真是壯觀. 整個雅典都在眼下.  我實在實力不足, 沒法形容這樣的景觀. 希望我拍的照片能傳達這樣感動給你們. 或更好的, 我誠心願各位有一天有機會去Acropolis走走...

Spending the entire morning and a bit of the afternoon enjoying the hikings and the views of the Acropolis, we decided to head down to find a restaurant. As we were walking through the small streets, we noticed that this place looked so much like that of 20-year-ago's Taiwan. I felt like having a time slip back to my childhood walking in my hometown of 喜樹. The bright sunlight, the comfortable soothing shade, and the stores for souvenairs... Everything looked very much like the old Taiwan city except that the people walking on it were not Taiwanese. 

整個早上跟下午的短時間我們都在Acropolis散步欣賞這個美景, 但過了2點, 肚子也在抗議了, 我們決定下山找餐廳, 填飽肚子. 走在小巷子裡的小路, 好像回到小時候大約20年前的台灣鄉下, 我過童年的喜樹. 閃亮的下午陽光, 輕微動跳的樹影, 紀念品專賣店.... 除了走在路上的人不是我們台灣人, 很多東西都好像舊台灣的景觀.

When we were passing by a souvenair store, this girl called up to us and asked if we were Japanese. The conversation went like this. 

我們走過一家紀念品專賣店時, 外頭的販賣員女孩向我們喊問我們是否日本人. 以下我們的對話. 

Girl: Japanese? [你們是] 日本人嗎?
Us: Nope. 不是. (keep walking 繼續走.)
Girl: Korean? 那是韓國人? (Voice louder 聲音大聲點)
Us: No~pe! 不是耶~! (keep walking 繼續走.
Girl: Chinese? 那是中國人? (Screaming from behind 從我們的背後大喊)
Us: No~~pe!!! 不~~~~是~! (still keep walking 還是繼續走.
Girl: Where are you from~~~~? 那你們到底是從哪來的呀~~~?
Us: Taiwa~~~n!!! 台灣~~!!!
Girl: Oh, Taiwa~~~~n! 喔~, [原來是] 台灣哦~~~~!!! SAWADI CA~P!!! ("Hello" in Thai 泰文的"你好")
We both looked at each other and burst into laugher. 我們對看忍不住噴笑.
My husband: Tha~t's wron~~~~~g!!! 錯了啦~~~~~!!!
Girl: Oh~, wro~ng? That's a sha~me..... 喔~, 錯了啊~? 好丟臉哦.....

We had a good laugh. She mistook Thailand for Taiwan, which happens all the time in foreign countries. But, does this mean that Thailand is more famous than Taiwan in people's minds? Hmm... something to think about. 

我們笑到不行. 因為泰國跟台灣的英文發音很像, 很多人都會聽錯. 但, 這是不是代表在世界人的心裡, 泰國比台灣更有印象呢? hmm...... 要好好想一下.

Finally, we found a nice restaurant in the street where it was not too loud, but with lots of sunlight and bird singing on the trees. There was a man playing the Greek music with his guiter and singing to the music that he was playing. The entire atmosphare was so nice and comfortable. We chose a table outside under the sunlight. The lady sitting in front of our table recognized the songs that this man was singing, so she started to talk to him and sang together with him. We had a nice meal, indeed, a nice meal. My husband commented several times, "這才叫 '吃飯' 嘛...". Both my husband and I were almost falling asleep in the warm and bright early afternoon sunlight. It reminded me of my childhood with my grandma who put us to sleep in the early afternoon after the lunch while all the kids in the neighbour were all giggling and playing cheerfully outside. The singing of the birds, the sunlight, the dancing shadows, the sleepy lazy afternoon air all brough my memory back. I miss my grandma.

在巷子裡絡了好久終於找到餐廳了. 這個餐廳就隱藏在一個巷子裡沒人打擾很安靜的路, 這條路就只有他們而已, 沒有任何別的店, 充滿陽光的下午, 小鳥在樹上chu, chu, chu快樂地歌唱, 有一位老先生彈吉他唱希臘老歌. 整個環境好舒服, 好溫馨. 我們選坐在陽光下的外桌. 在前面桌跟女兒吃午餐的女生認出這位先生在唱的歌, 開始跟他對話, 然後一起哼唱起來. 我們真的很享受這樣的午餐. 老公深感地說好多次, "這才叫 '吃飯' 嘛...." 在這樣暖暖又閃爍的陽光裡, 我們兩個都快睡著了. 忽然想起奶奶健在時我們冬天回台灣時的童年記憶. 奶奶以前都會跟我們一起睡午覺, 其他家的鄰居小孩們都在外面嘻嘻哈哈大笑興奮的玩, 我們在喜樹老家的小暗舒服的小房間裡躺在阿媽的旁邊安心的睡息. 看著眼睛閉下的阿媽, 聽著她慢慢規律的呼吸聲, 我們也就慢慢地進入夢境. 就像這樣的下午, 輕爽的鳥聲, 慢舞的樹影, 懶惰睏眠的空氣讓我想起跟阿媽過的童年時光. 我懷念她.

After the lunch, we took a walk around the small streets and took some pictures. Then, my husband suggested to go down to the Piraeus, the seashore, taking the street car. We decided to go down to Edem, not the end of the street car line because we did not have enough time. We needed to be at the airport by 6pm in order to catch the flight to Santorini Island at 7:30pm. However, we found that even going down to Edem would take up too much time and we would be late for the flight. So, we got off at N. Kosmos and took line 2 up to Metaxourghio. We went back to the Crystal City Hotel to get our baggage. Then, we took the metro down to Syntagma. There, we bought the metro ticket to the airport and took the blue line all the way to the terminal station, the Athens International Airport. We felt we have done so much although it was just the second day. Waiting to be called for departure, I was very thankful that my husband took the time to take me out for such a nice trip. 

吃完午餐, 我們就無目的的在巷子裡散步, 拍照. 老公提議說坐Street car去海邊區, Piraeus. 因為到Santorini的班機是7:30pm, 我們6:00pm就要到機場, 因此沒有足夠的時間, 我們決定不要坐到底, 在Edem下車看一下就回來. 但, 我們發現連到Edem的時間都沒有, 坐到N. Kosmos, 我們就決定回頭, 換成metro, 搭紅線車, 往北坐到Metaxoughio去領行李之後, 再搭紅線車往南, 在Syntagma站下車. 在Syntagma站, 我們買了到機場的車票, 搭藍線車往回機場. 雖然才第二天而已, 我們覺得做了好多事, 好累, 但好充實. 在待機所裡等著出發時間, 我很感謝老公不管工作多忙碌多瘋狂, 還努力抽出時間來, 安排這麼棒的旅遊, 帶我出來透透氣.
The airplane OA0559 was a very small flight. There were only two seats on each side of the row. However, despite its small body, the flight to Santorini was smooth and stable. When we got out of the arrival gate, we saw Ira Hotel staff waiting for us with my name sigh held up high. We greeted and walked to his car. It only took a short ride of 15 minutes from the airport to Ira hotel. The owner was waiting for us in the white cave room. Although it was dark, we could tell that this hotel was so nice and so beautiful. We loved it at the first sight. 

我們的班機OA0559是很小的飛機, 只有將近30排的座位, 每一排左右只有各兩個座位. 但, 到Santorini的飛程很順很穩. 我們出關就馬上看到高高拿著我的名牌的Ira hotel司機等著我們. 跟他打個招呼, 坐上飯店的車, 司機先生開了大約15分的短車程帶我們到Ira Hotel. 飯店老闆就在白色的洞穴房裡等著我們. 雖然外面已黑, 我們還是可以看出這個飯店有很美的環境, 讓我們對這家飯店的景觀"一見鐘情".

The room was very cozy and neat. Since we have told them that this was our honeymoon, they have prepared a nice plate of fruits and a bottle of dessert wine for us. The rate was 100euro/nt, however, late we found that they were so nice that they upgraded our room because we were on our honeymoon.

我們的客房很舒服很整齊. 因為我們事先告訴他們我們是來渡蜜月的(算是吧?), 他們除了招待我們水果盤跟甜白酒之外, 要退房時發現他們很親切地不加價幫我們升等客房.

The view from private patio of the room was so gorgeous!!!

After we put our suitcase down, clean ourselves a bit, we asked the owner if there was any place for us to have dinner. The owner kindly offered us a ride to the nearest restaurant called Taverna Simos. At this point, I have already found that "Taverna" means Greek restaurant (or more precisely "the small restaurant that serves Greek cuisine" according to the difinition given by Wikipedia). But, if you actually read it in Roman pronounciation, it reads "Ta-Ve-R(u)-Na" which sounds like "食べるな" in Japanese meaning "Do not eat!" So, this contrast is how I remembered that Taverna means Greek restaurant. We found that Greek actually sounded like Spanish, and some like Italian. Maybe, it is no surprise because Spanish and Italian, the origin of which could be Latin and Greek, still have lots in common with Greek.  

放下行李, 我們自己也整理一下, 我們問老闆這附近有沒有地方可以讓我們吃晚餐. 老闆很親切的載我們到最近的餐廳叫Taverna Simos. 希臘文的Taverna就是希臘餐廳的意思. (在Wikipedia裡更正確的定義是 "提供希臘料理的小餐廳".) 如果用羅馬發音法去唸它, Taverna會唸成"Ta-Ve-R(u)-Na", 聽起來好像日文的 "食べるな", 意思就是 "不許吃!" 這個矛盾讓我記住Taverna就是希臘餐廳. 希臘文聽起來好像西班牙文跟義大利文, 也不奇怪因為這一些語言跟拉丁文及希臘文因該都有很深的親戚關係. 

Anyhow. So, we went into Simos. We did not want a big meal because it was already late. It was very windy and cold even in the inside of the restaurant probably due to the fact that the wall of the building was all glass windows. I tried to put up with the coldness, but I had to put on my jacket at the end of the dinner and still was trembling. But, the dinner was great. Since my husband wanted to eat fish, we asked if they had any seafood. "Oh yes, we do," the waitress answered, "would you like to see them?" She brought a plate of fresh snipers, red and black. "How do you cook them?" We asked. "Well, we can make mixed seafood plate for you," said the waitress. "The mixed seafood plate?" We repeated what she told us. "Yes," explained she, "you choose the fish, and we can grill the fish with other seafoods such as shrimps and squid." My husband's face lightened up. "Oh, that's good." "Yeah? You like that?" The waitress smiled. But, we requested her not to put any shrimp into the plate because my husband is allergic to it. The grilled mixed seafood plate came a bit later with the lemon olive oil source. The taste was simple, but very fresh. The entire meal was great. 

好吧, 不囉嗦了, 說說這一天晚上的美食好了. 所以, 我們就在Simos吃晚餐. 但不是很餓, 也很晚了, 所以不想吃太多. 外面風很大, 很冷, 因為餐廳四方都是大玻璃窗, 風已然可以從小隙洞吹進來. 本來想忍耐不穿外套, 但還是沒辦法, 忍不住只好穿上它吃晚餐.... 這樣還是在發斗...! 可是晚餐菜色很棒. 因為老公想吃魚, 我們問服務員小姐是否有海產料理. "有啊," 小姐很樂意的說, "你們想看看嗎?" 然後她就捧著一盤四條紅色跟黑色的sniper的盤子出來讓我們選一條魚. "你怎麼煮這些魚呢?" 我們問她說. 她回答我們說: "我們可以幫你們做海鮮混合盤." "海鮮混合盤?" "是的," 她說明給我們聽, "你可以選一條魚, 然後我們可以加一些像蝦啊或是尤魚這樣的海產跟你們選的魚一起炭烤." 老公的眼睛忽然亮起來. "喔, 這樣讚." 服務員小姐笑著確認: "是嗎? 那你們想這麼做?" 因為老公對蝦敏感, 我們請他不要放蝦. 等了一陣子, 小姐端出來的海鮮混合盤有一條好香的魚跟很多的尤魚, 沒有蝦. 另外她放一杯Lemon olive oil醬在桌上說這一些海鮮是沾這個醬吃的. 味道很單純但很新鮮. 整個晚餐的菜色都很棒.  

But, I had one question... Do we need to give tips in Greece? Usually in the US and Canada, tips for lunch and dinner are the 10% and 15% of the entire cost before tax, respectively. However, we were not sure at all if that was the case here. My husband does not have the habit of giving tips not because he is cheap, but because growing up in Taiwan he does not have such custom. It is totally understandable because personally I neither agree nor understand the culture of giving tip. Tips should be included in the sales price of the dishes which covers the service of the staff. If their salary is not enough like somebody told me as the reason for tipping, they should go to their boss not the customers. But, I give tips anyway to show respect to the culture of the country where I live in. So, after paying for the dinner, I was wondering if we should have given tips to this nice waitress. After discussing with my husband who suggested no tips, still indecisive what to do, we decided to ask this lady how the custom is in Greece. "Ah... I'm sorry to ask you this," I said with an uncomfortable tone in my voice, "But, do people usually give tips in Greece?" In response to my question, she smiled very gently and answered in English carrying the Greek accent, "Yes, they do. But, it's not like a law or anything. If you want to give, you can give. But, it's okay if you do not want to give. You can give whatever you want to give." After saying "thank-you", I thought we should have given some especially after we have asked her and clarified their custom... But, my husband said that we did not have to do it. So, after a little debate to give or not to give, we decided to just walk away without giving tips. It was quite awkward, but well, since she said that it was okay not to give, I guess it was okay... Sigh, I still do not like the custom of tipping.... I don't mind they include the reasonable amount in the price of the dishes, but just don't like to go through such a bothersome process of figuring out to give or not to give and what amount should be given.....

當時我有一個疑問, 就是我們該不該給小費. 通常在美國或加拿大, 午餐的話我們會給不含稅總銷費的10%的小費, 晚餐的話是15%. 但, 我們不清楚希臘的小費習慣. 在台灣長大的老公沒有給小費的習慣, 這也很正常. 不是小氣才不給. 說說我自己也很不喜歡也不贊同給小費這樣的文化因為我覺得小費因該要含在銷費裡. 有人說給小費是因為他們領的薪水不高的原故, 但薪水不夠因該找老闆而不是客人啊. 但, 因要尊重他國文化, 我還是會給. 付了餐費之後, 我就在想該不該給小費. 老公說不須要, 但我還是覺得不太妥當. 後來覺得自己們說來說去也沒結果, 乾脆問問看好了.  我很不好意思地開口問這為小姐. "啊..., 實在很不好意思問妳這個問題, 但, 在希臘, 你們通常會給小費嗎?" 小姐微笑著回答我們: "會啊. 但, 這也不是法律規定的. 所以您想給就給, 不給也沒關係. 要給的話, 看你想給多少就給多少." 我們謝謝她之後, 還是不知道如何做好, 加上這樣問了她之後, 不給其實有點尷尬.... 但, 聽老公的建議, 我們沒給小費走出餐廳. 還瞞尷尬的... 但是, 連她也說不用給也可以, 因該.... 可以吧..... 哎, 我還是很不喜歡給小費這樣的文化. 如要加錢其實也無所謂, 如合理就該加, 但就是不喜歡這樣不清楚的狀況及為該不該給, 要給多少這樣麻煩的過程煩惱...

After the dinner, we walked the hill up back to the hotel. It was very windy, but thank God that it was only a short 5-min walk. 

吃完晚餐, 我們趕快走上海邊強風吹的上坡路回到飯店. 還好只有徒步大約5分鐘的路程, 冷也冷一下下而已.

That night's bath time was a total disaster for us. Although the shower/bath room was very nice and clean, there was no curtain between the shower and the toilet area. Besides, the shower head was splashing the water horizontally instead of downward. So, as you can imagine, the water splashed all over the bathroom, and the floor was flooded... Besides, probably because we used too much water all at once, we only had cold water at the end... After finishing taking showers, I sighed with a great relief like I have done a greatest work ever! Whew~.... Our second day of trip ended with a total disaster. But, my husband did a great job in cleaning the flooded bathroom floor while I was putting the clothes on. Thank you honey. We went in bed in peace and were ready for the third day to come... 

這一天晚上的入浴經驗只能用"慘"字來形容. 雖然浴室很整齊很乾淨, Shower跟其他浴室空間中間(包括馬桶)沒有窗簾隔離, 加上Shower水龍頭掛在牆壁時不是往下而是往平橫方向噴, 洗個澡, 把整個浴室弄成洪水一樣, 到處都濕透了..... 不只這樣, 可能我們一下子用太多熱水, 洗到最後連熱水都沒了, 只能用不熱不冷的溫水沖洗.... 洗個澡好像在打戰, 洗完後全身勞累, 我無力坐在床上嘆安堵的息.... 我們希臘旅遊第二天就這樣跟洗澡後的浴室混戰中結束了. 但是幸好, 我在穿衣服的時候, 老公已經幫我們被水噴到洪水亂成一團的浴室整理的很好, 好感謝他的勞工... 這樣, 我們很安寧地就床, 很期待夢想第三天的臨來.



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