計劃了一個月多.... 被老公摧說要好好看一下想去哪裡玩
老公説這樣不行我要用中文寫.... 所以只好再用中文寫一次.....
Our flight was 12:30pm. Yep... the day is half gone when we get on the flight, and the matter of worse, the day will nearly end by the time we get to Athens. Despite our desperate effort of finding a better flight schedule, we were forced to take this only option. So, off we go to the AMS (Amsterdam Schiphol Airport) and fly to the dream city of ancient civilization!
我們的班機是12:30pm. 因為去到雅典一天都快結束了, 我們很努力的找更好的班次, 但Olympic只有這麼一班次, 所以只能訂這一班了.
.....Well, alas, alas, people, people, people in the AMS! It was the Easter Holiday weekend, and the AMS was so crowded with people who were squeezing themselve into the line of birds trying to escape from their nests. Was there even a line? No. It looked like a huge chunk of "mass" of ants mounting on one small particle of suger.... After a long waiting in the "line" and being cut by the group behind us, finally it was our turn to check-in. We asked the staff if the time is the same in Athens. She replied confidently, "Yes, it is." This, we found later, was not true. Greece is one hour ahead of the Netherlands...
因為是復活節假日的關係, 機場到處都是人, 人, 人! 就好像螞蟻集在一棵糖一樣, 一推人也不好好排隊就集成一坨, 本來一條line變成好多條, 也不知誰先誰後... 最狠最會擠的人就最快... 老公就說這就是 "沒禮貌第一名!" 等了好久, 又被後面的人插隊後, 好不容易終於輪到我們了!!! 我們就問櫃台小姐荷蘭跟希臘是否有時差. 她很有自信地回答說: "沒有, 是一樣的" 結果後來我們發現其實有時差, 希臘比荷蘭快一個小時....
It took longer than usual for us to comlete the procedure of checking-in and inspection due to the large numbers of passengers. Once we checked in, we still could not get on the airplane because it was delayed by almost 2 hours. We waited and waited... "How long will it take? By the time we get there, it's almost bed time...." We signed looking at the relaxed staff ourside taking their time loading our suitcases unto the airplane storage cabin. Then, suddenly, we noticed white particles falling from the heaven. The white particles fell faster and faster, more and more... IT'S SNOWING!!! My husband looked like an air-filled baloon, energized in a second, taking his camera out and glued himself to the windows. He was waiting for this very moment throughout the entire winter. He had been waking up in the morning, opening the curtains, which always followed by the painful sighs when he saw no snow outside. And now when finally his dreamed moment came true, alas, alas, my poor dear husband, he had to leave... Fate was ruthless to him. "機車勒...." He groaned with remarkably deep disappointment shown on his face.
因為很多人, Check-in手續也比常時慢. 好不容易進了gate, 發現今天的班機delayed將近兩個小時....! 可是也沒辦法, 我們就慢慢等, 也只能等, 看著外面的地勤人員慢慢的一邊聊天一邊搬運我們的行李, 心裡想著 "哎... 這樣去到雅典已經是睡覺時間了..." 忽然看到白白的東西從天上掉下來. 竟然是雪!? 突然的雪越下越快, 越下越多. 興奮的老公, 好像充滿電的電器, 眼睛亮起來, 趕快拿出他的寶貝相機, 黏在窗戶, 好像被什麼附上似的, 一直拍照. 他整個冬天都在等這一天. 每天早上一起床就開窗簾看著外面有沒有下雪. 但每次都很失望. 竟然今天終於讓他等到了雪, 哎, 可憐的老公, 要往希臘飛了. "機車勒....." 他藏不住很明顯的失望的臉色.
The Olympic Airlines (OA) 151 was a small airplane with three passenger seats on each side. Despite the nasty weather beneath the clouds, the flight was relatively stable and calm. As for the meal, the fact that I don't quite remember what I ate for the meal describes well about the quality of it. I only remember that I ate bread, some kind of salad, cheese, and.... a cup of coffee....? Anyhow. Not something worth describing here. After approximately 3 hr+ flight, we finally landed on Athens International Airport around 7:00pm.
Olympic Airline (OA) 151是小小的飛機, 左右只有各兩排座位. 雖然雲下是陰天又下雪, 雲上是晴天. 這次的flight也瞞穩的. 機內餐是沒什麼特別, 我連自己吃了什麼也都忘了. 飛行時間將近4小時, 我們大約7:00pm多抵達雅典.
While my husband is waiting for our baggage, I started to collect the travelers' booklets in order to find out how to take the metro. I remembered from the travel guide book saying that metro from the airport to the city is 6euro/psn and 10euro/2psns. I walked out the baggage claim area to find where the metro station was. My huaband was still inside the gate waiting for our baggage. Finally when he got our baggage, I have already mastered the metro system here in Athens. ....Well, almost, except for where and how to buy the tickets using the automated ticket vender.... Without knowing how to use the ticket vender, we walked to the metro ticket purchase windows and bought it manually from a human being.
老公在等我們的行李時, 我先出關去看看捷運怎麼坐. 我拿好多的觀光小手冊. 記得在旅遊手冊上寫說機場到雅典市區的metro是一個人6歐元, 兩個人就比較便宜, 是10歐元. 當老公出關時, 我已經查好怎麼坐metro, 且也知道坐到哪裡了.... 但就是還不知道如何用自動販賣機買票就是了.... 所以就沒辦法, 只好跟服務人員買了.
Our hotel, Crystal City Hotel is located right on the Karaiskaki Square, which is in the center of Athens. Therefore, we had to take the Blue line (Line 3) to the west up to Syntagma station, then switch to the red line (Line 2) heading north up to Metaxourghio station, which is two stations away from the busy Syntagma. The metro was very empty coming from the airport and got busier and busier as it approached the center of Athens. By the time we got to Metaxourghio, the tram was filled with people heading for their night life in the Athens City Center. Through all the way from the airport to Metaxourghio, we were the only Asian we saw on the tram... If not the one and only, we were definitely among the few Asian faces in the tram. And, I realized that the locals sitting across the aisle were sometimes peeking at us....
我們訂的飯店是 Crystal City Hotel. 這家飯店定位在Karaiskaki Square, 也是雅典很熱鬧的square其中之一. 要去Karaiskaki Square, 我們必須先坐藍線(Line3), 然後在Syntagma站下車轉到紅線(Line2), 往北經過兩站就到Metaxourghio站. 因為Metro station就在Karaiskaki Square裡, 下車出站就轉個彎就是Crystal City Hotel了. 很好找. (實際上根本不用找...) 因為機場是初站, tram裡面幾乎沒什麼人, 但越靠近雅典市中心人越來越多. 到Metaxourghio時, tram裡面都充滿了一推人. 有些是觀光客, 有些是下班要去市中心玩的人, 有些是要回家的人, 到處都是人, 人, 人!!! 但從機場到Metaxoughio中間幾乎沒看到亞洲人. 所以有時候發現坐在旁邊的希臘人都會往我們這邊偷看一下.
The Crystal City Hotel was just around the corner of the Karaiskaki Square and was very easy to find. But, when we wanted to check in, the receptionist had the disappointing news waiting for us. There was a demo protesting the government asking for better pays and pensions up to the previous day.
"We are sorry, " said the receptionist with an appologitical tone, "but, since we cannot kick out the students, we have to move you to the Golden City Hotel." "But, it is the same style as this hotel," assured the receptionist, "It's only 2 minutes walk from here. Very close, very close."
Crystal City Hotel就在Karaiskaki Square旁邊的馬路上, 轉個彎就到了. 可是當我們要Check-in時, 櫃台先生就說他們很抱歉但必須請我們去他們的連繫hotel住. 因為從大約一個禮拜前直到前天, 在雅典有學生的示威抗議. 所以房間都被學生佔用, 且也不能把他們踢出去, 所以我們必須換到他們另一家飯店去住.
"但, 我們另一家Hotel, 叫Golden City Hotel也是跟這一家一樣的風格. 也離這邊不遠, 兩分鐘就到了, 很近很近." 櫃台先生說. 因此我們也沒辦法, 就照著他的安排換到Golden City Hotel.
This was the very first day when things went back to normal after the riots. Everything wasn't working up to the previous day, not even metro and all other public transportations. "The taxi drivers were very happy," we were told the following morning by the receptionist in the Golden City Hotel.
這一天是示威抗議後全部的市區運作回復正常的第一天. 直到前天連捷運或其他的公共交通手段都結凍. 還好我們來的時候已經全部回復正常了. 隔天我們要Check-out時, Golden City Hotel的小姐說在示威抗議的期間中計程車的司機們很高興.
The Golden City Hotel was located approximately 5 minutes away from the Karaiskaki Square, and unlike the Crystal City Hotel, it was hidden in the small street, unnoticible from outside. But, the receptionist was right in saying that the style and quality was the same as the Crystal City Hotel. The rate was actually 103euro/nt, however, due to our original booking .at the Crystal City Hotel was 79.50euro/nt, we got this cheaper rate for the better room. The room was very small, but neatly set up, comfortable and clean.
Golden City Hotel離Karaiskaki Square遠一點, 從Karaiskaki Sq. 徒步大約5分鐘. 不像在大馬路上的Crystal City Hotel, Golden City Hotel是在小馬路上. 雖然不像Crystal的櫃台先生說的那麼近, 飯店風格的確跟Crystal差不多. 我們在Golden的房間是因該一晚103歐元, 但本來在Crystal的價格是79.50歐元, 他們就說我們就付79.50歐元即可. 房間是很小, 要走來走去是不可能的, 但很整齊, 乾淨, 也瞞舒服的.
We were tired from all the waiting of the delayed flight, 3+hr flights and restless in the metro. So, we laid back, watched a bit of TV, took showers, then around 9pm, finally we were ready for exploring the city. And, yes, for dinner. We were hungry.
因為在機場班機delay了將近兩個小時, 加上坐了3個多小時的飛機, 再metro上也沒什麼休息, 我們有點懶, 不想動, 所以就坐在床上, 看電視, 洗個澡, 休息一下. 然後, 因為肚子餓了, 大約9點多才出去逛雅典市中心找餐廳.
We purchased the 24hr metro pass, which cost us 3euro/person. This was a much better rate compared with one way ticket which would cost us 1.80euro/ticket. We took the red line tram at Metaxourghio station heading towards south (Ag. Dimitrios/Al. Panagouli direction), passed Omonia, Syntagma and got off at Acropolis station located in Plaka area, the heart of Athens. Since it was already dark, and without knowing where to go, we started to look for a restaurant holding the already ragged city map on our hands. The streets were all interwined, and it hard for us to know where exactly we were. As we walked and walked, we saw the light-uped Acropolis in the far sky, which became the landmark for our night walk.
單程票是1.80歐元, 但一日票才3歐元, 所以我們決定買一日票. 我們從Metaxourghio站坐紅線tram往南(Ag.Dimitrios/Al.Panagouli方向), 經過Omonia, Syntagma這兩站, 在Acropolis下車. Acropolis是在Plaka區, 也是雅典的中心. 天已黑, 且對雅典一點都不熟, 肚子也餓了, 我們就拿著已經破破爛爛的雅典地圖, 一邊逛一邊找餐廳. 雅典市中心的路幾乎沒什麼規律, 走過一次就不知道如何回到同一條路..... 所以我們就看著遠遠浮在漆黑天空的Acropolis古蹟當做我們的路標.
It was already late at night. But, the restaurants were still filled with cheerful laughers and energitic talks. The city was still right awake. There were couples and tourists everywhere. As we walked by each restaurant, the restaurant staff enthusiastically waved us to take seats at their tables. But, all the restaurant seemed very much alike, and we were lost which one to go. The aroma from the grilled meat and baked cheese was enormous stimulating our already starving stomach. "Let just choose one and get in," we both agreed on our next action.
雖然夜已晚, 餐廳的熱潮未退, 店裡充滿了笑聲, 聊天的聲音, 還是很熱鬧. 晚上11點, 雅典市中心已然還是不夜城. 到處都是情侶, 觀光客, 還有出來party的年輕人. 各各餐廳的老闆都出來拉客, 很熱情的叫我們進去坐. 其實看起來每一家都大同小異, 都是Greek Cuisine Restaurant, 很難選. 從餐廳裡漂出來的香味實際很難抗拒, 加上肚子也餓了, 我們決定隨便選一家看起來不錯的餐廳進去吃看看.
I love Greek foods. It is very much like Italian cusines. Lots of olive oil, balsamic vineger, tomatoes, cheese, veggies and herbs. I also love the bread that comes before any dish. We normally eat it with olive oil flavored with salt and pepper. Butter goes very well with the bread as well. So, we chose this Greek restaurant among many similar restaurants, for no special reason, but just because it smelt nice, we were hungry, and the waiter smiled at us in a very friendly way. We ordered mixed souvlaki plate with lamb, pork, beef and chickeun, Greek salad and pork souvlaki with special sauce called Tzatziki made from Greek yoghurt and cucumber sauce.
我愛吃Greek food. Greek food 很像義大利料理, 用很多Olive oil, 黑醋, 蕃茄, cheese, 新鮮的蔬菜跟香料. 我也很喜歡他們餐前招待的麵包. 我們通常都將鹽跟胡椒加在橄欖油裡, 然後沾這個吃. 也可以將黑醋跟橄欖油混合做醬. 塗上奶油也很香. 其實麵包本身就好吃, 所以各各吃法都很可口, 就看個人的嗜好囉. 在很多Greek cuisine restaurant中, 有一家餐廳, 捧盤出來的服務員很親切的對剛好路過的我們打招呼說聲"Hello", 食物又很香, 我們就決定進去這一家餐廳吃吃看. 我們點了很多種肉的souvlaki, 就是希臘的燒烤肉串(裡面有牛肉, 雞肉, 羊肉及豬肉串), 希臘沙拉, 豬肉串加tzatziki醬(tzatziki是用希臘的Yoghurt跟小黃瓜醬混合做的一種沾醬).
After the satisfying delightful dinner, we decided to take an easy night walk around the Acropolis. Well, with such stuffed stamach, we almost had to do so! There were many bars and pubs for the tourists. But to us, we were not interested in bars or pubs. Not only that we do not have special interest in drinking in the smoky environment, coming to such a historical city with remarkably gorgeous views, it seems to be a great waste of life for us to stay inside and fill our lung with second-hand smoke. Some people enjoy night life that way, which is probably exciting. It is their choice and great for them. But, for us, we prefer quiet and relaxed walk in the nice night breeze with the Acropolis watching us from afar.
吃完美味的希臘菜之後, 我們決定在Acropolis周圍散散步. 吃了這麼多, 也因該走走再回去... Acropolis周圍一帶都是bar跟pub(酒吧), 也是像這樣的觀光地的賣點其中之一. 但, 除了我們對在煙霧瀰漫的小空間裡喝酒吸滿二手煙不感興趣之外, 覺得來到這樣很有歷史又有文化的地方沒有好好看一下享受不同的景觀簡直是浪費生命(跟來這邊的機票錢). 有些人可能很喜歡去不同國家的pub/bar喝酒享受很high的夜生活, 也是很刺激的玩法. 但, 各有各的嗜好. 對我們來說, 我們比較喜歡享受安安靜靜沒人打擾及休閒的看著遠遠浪漫的古蹟, 簡單散散步, 吹吹初春深夜微風.
Around 12pm, we headed back to the hotel for a good rest. This is just the first day of our 5 days trip. We needed to charge ourselves with good night sleep in order to enjoy the rest of the trip. Good night....
大概凌晨12點, 我們回去hotel. 這次是5天的旅程, 這只是第一天而已. 所以我們要好好休息才有力氣好好享受希臘. 晚安囉.