
It feels like a millenium since I have updated my blog last time... After reading my elder son's classmate's mom's blog this morning (Yes, I am a mother of two now!!!), I just realized how long I haven't been updated my blog! Indeed, time just flashed away, so quickly, so sky-rocketing fast! 

想起當初設了這部落格是為了要記錄小孩們的成長和我們自己當爸媽一起成長過程中的點點滴滴,因為在忙碌的生活裡,若不刻意去紀錄,寫作,很容易把生活裡的感動一一忘記,等小孩長大後,他們問起「爸媽,我小時候是怎麼的?」,根本就回答不出來,只能說,「太久了,忘了ㄋㄟ...」。(這就是發生在我身上的事啦...。)加上原本就喜歡寫作的我(不知我寫的能不能稱上「寫作」這麼一個東西...),就決定設了一個部落格幫寶寶們紀錄他們小時候的一些可愛,可氣,可珍惜的大小故事。結果後來隨著臉書的出現,因為實在太方便,太簡單「更新」生活裡的小故事,加上實在忙到連吃甜點喝茶的時間都沒有,我就漸漸忘了「寫作」的樂趣,一轉眼,Oh my goodness!!!已經兩年沒更新啦~~!!!(時間也過的太快,太殘酷了吧!!!)所以,感謝S媽媽的部落格給了我很大的動力,再次開始寫作紀錄寶貝們的故事(和我們自己的故事)啦!

The reason why we started this blog was to remember and write down my kids' and our own everyday stories while they are growing up. It's so easy for us to forget about the big and small things that have happened while they are growing up no matter how touching they may be. And, when they have grown up and ask us, "Dad and mom, what was I like as a kid?" And, after the long "ummm....",  we probably can just replied with a very disappointing answer of, "Well.... son, honestly, I don't really remember...." (And, that's what happened to me when I ask my dad and mom about my child story...) So, since I love writing, and to remember those little sometimes cute, sometimes upsetting, but all cherishable stories of our children, we decided to start a blog to remember their childhood. But, when the facebook has become everyone's mainstream media for sharing our life stories, we weren't the exception. It's easy. It's quick. And, besides, it doesn't take much time to share our life photos and little stories. After all, we are so busy with our daily choas. Facebook is the perfection solution to our busy lives... So, I started to forget about the fun of writing, and my goodness, before I know, it's been two years since I have updated my blog last time!!! So, thank to my son's friend's mom, I am so encouraged and motivated to start my writing in this blog again!  

So, here we go. 首先要寫什麼?唉,並不重要啦。可是最近我就是在忙我大小少爺的事情。大兒子,越長大越有意見(是好事,只是會比較辛苦,因為不再是個爸媽說什麼他就做什麼的小孩了),超級好動。因為前一陣子爸爸工作忙到很少見到他,大兒子的狀況越來越多,辛苦到每天很沮喪地,無奈地看著他,不知該怎麼辦。氣也氣了,哄也哄了,試過可以想到的所有一切辦法,還是沒有什麼好結果時,曾經也有懷意過他是否真的是個過動兒,若是可能就要詢問專家,找找適合陪他成長的方式。但,後來爸爸最近出差暫時變少,可以有規律的陪伴他之後,他狀況越來越好,現在總算穩定很多了。我發現他其實就是個需要人多多陪他的小孩而已,或許是有點過動的傾向,但因為他是很有邏輯,也願意溝通,會思考的小孩,我和他爸爸的看法是「他只是太聰明啦!」這樣。(有機會當然可以詢問專家的意見!)

So, here we go! What should I write as my first entry in two years? Well, I guess, it doesn't matter what I write. What matters is that I started to write again, isn't it? Recently, though, I'm busy with my two sons, and many stories are about them and us (especially me). My son, the older he gets, the more opinions and insights he has (which drives me crazy sometimes because he is no longer the "yes" boy to his parents... Or, oh well, maybe he never was...), and very hyper-active! Up to a couple of weeks ago, my husband has been often on biz trip and wasn't really home for a while, and that didn't help my son's condition. (He was getting more and more hyper everywhere, probably trying to draw ppl's attention...) So, I was feeling so helpless all the time, and didn't know what to do... I got upset on him. I also tried praising method on him. I tried so many parenting methods to just get him "normal" (well, I was way too silly to even think that there's something called "normal," you see...). I even suspected that he might have ADHD or ADD and need some specialist to help us. (Which is actually good to get some expert's help if he does have those conditions. It's not a big deal to us.) But, after my husband have some break between his last biz trip to next one, I found that my elder son's condition started to get better and his ability to pay attention has been dramatically improved. Although he's still very hyper active, he's very logical and willing to communicate with us and draw a solution through our discussions. He got his own thinking going in his little brain and got his own brilliant ideas, too. So, our conclusion is this, "he's just way too smart!" hahaha


Anyhow. So, I have been spending so much energy and time on my elderson, (Thank God that He gave me a son who help me think a lot and allow me to spend so much energy and time on.) and through the trials-and-errors with him, I learned quite a lot about "parenting," and although very tough somteimes, I also started to enjoy being a mom. This is definitely a long-term investment. I cannot really see the fruits of my input right away, but am gradually tasting the sweetness of this invisible fruits growing on my children. And, the story about the bazzar that I am going to share this time is one of them.   

大兒子幼稚園每年在聖誕節前都會有很多的活動,透過這一些活動讓小孩體驗「The Christmas Spirit」,幫助他們明白「聖誕節」的心髓和意義,透過這些活動希望他們可以思考並體驗耶穌來世的含義,神給萬民的愛。義賣會也是如此。可是看到各種各樣的賣品時,隨然是好意,但我記得去年大兒子讓我傷了很大的腦筋。他就是看到什麼就想買什麼!看到玩具,這個也好,那個也好。我陪著他逛東逛西,到最後記得好像都是在熱鬧的人潮裡,大喊大叫「不能再買了!回家了!你不回家,我自己回家!!!」等的話。「限制買量」根本沒用。到最後還是的拖著兒子走出大門,不愉快,氣噴噴地開車回家。

My elerder son's kindergarten has this bazzar every year around the Christmas time. Through many activities around the Christmas time, the kids learn about the "Christmas Spirit," which help them understand the truth and meaning about "Christmas," think about the meaning of Christ's coming to the world as a baby Jesus, and God's love to everyone. And, this bazzar is one of those activities. Although it meant to be good to the kids, I had a big headache with my son because he wanted everything sold in this bazzar!  The toys. The games. The sweets. Whatever he sees, he just wanted me to buy them for him! Restricting what to buy doesn't help much. By the time when we are to go home, I found myself screaming to fight with the loud and lively crowd, saying something like... "You cannot buy anymore! We are going home! If you are not gonna go home, I will go home alone without you!!!" And, being so upset and unpleasant, I drag him out of the kindergarten gate to our car. It's such a bizzare!!!


But, this year, God gave me an idea and taught me to try another way: give Racchan an allowence, and let him buy things by paying the money himself. Let him go a bit so that he could learn and grow. 


So, I take my son's little purse, put NTD60 in it, and brought it with me when I went to pick him up. When Racchan saw me, his first word was, "Mom! I found some toys that I want to buy! You come with me! You come with me!" So, I said, "Wait...", then I knelt down and looked into his eyes, and said, "Racchan, I have brought your purse with me today. You can spend the money that I put in it. There's NTD60. You gotta think and decide what you really want to spend the money for. There's no more if you spend them all. Do you get it?" He nodded his head impatiently and said, "Yes, yes!!! I got it. Let's go! let's go!!!" He grabbed his purse and disappeared intot he crowd. Occasionally, he turned back at me, waving his arm high in the air to make sure that I was following him. 


His first stop was at the toy booth. He took the toy and examined carefully. He turned the toy around and examined it. He turned the toy in the other way and examined it again. I have no idea what he was examining the toy for, but he was so serious. I reminded him that he only got NTD60 and needed to think very carefully before he spent the money. I didn't forbid him to buy it. But, I also didn't encourage him to buy it, either. I just reminded him of how much money he got. After examining the toy carefully enough, he put the toy down, and said, "Mom, I decided not to buy this. Let's go and see other stuff." Then, he took me to the booth of "poke fun," NTD5/poke. I asked him, "You want to play this?" He excitedly nodded his head and said, "Yes! I want to!!!" So, I taught him how to ask about the price and the instruction to play, he did accordingly. He took out the money, paid for it and enjoyed playing the game, then he put his prize into his little purse pocket. Satisfied, he grabbed my hand and said, "Mom, let's go to see the other booth!!!"   Because he played the poke-fun twice, and we have a guest coming for dinner that day, I told him that we could not stay for too long. Then, he put his little cute index finger up and said, "Mom, then I want to play for one last time!" So, I nodded my head. After looking around, he found this balloon art booth, and said, "Mom! I want this!" So, I taught him how to ask about the price, helped him take out NTD10 to pay for it by himself, then after he happily chose the balloon sward, he said, "Mom, we can go home now!" Without any fight, he obediently came with me, and we walked to the car hand in hand. I praised him for keeping his words of "one last time," and for being such a wonderful big brother, for not spending money without thinking, for being so awesome! I told him that I enjoyed so much shopping around with him. He seemed to be happy as well, holding his white balloon sward as if it's a treasure, and quietly sitting on his car seat with joyful smile on his face. Then, suddenly, he said, "Mom?" So, I said, "Yes?" He said, "Mom, I am so happy that you went around the booths with me. I liked it when you went around the booth with me." So, I smiled at him and said, "Yes, me, too. I enjoyed very much going around the bazzar booths with you, too." After we got home, I saw him taking all the money out to see how much was left. The money is what all he have to enjoy the bazzer for the following two days. He started to get the idea, I guess. 


Thank you, Lord, for giving this idea of allowing him to spend money on his own. I think, I can start to let go of him a bit for him to experience things on his own. It doesn't help him grow if I keep saying "no" to everything he does. Instead of protecting him in a box and keep saying no this no that, I'd rather let him experience on his own and draw his own conclusion. His principle said that Racchan is a kind of kid who learn through the adventure, through actually experiencing things. In other words, he doesn't easily agree to anything unless he experience it himself. He doesn't buy every word that the adults say. He just has to taste it himself. With such traits, we as his parents often worry and get nervous too much about him because he tends to be put in the dangerous situation where he still wants to "taste it and learn." We are often exhausted by just watching him and trying to keep him (and other kids) safe. So, through this time's experience, I learned about the courage to let go of him a bit and let him learn it by experiencing it himself. If he has the courage to try it himself, then I should also have the courage to support him doing that. (Of course, if what he's going to do is obviously way too dangerous, then I cannot completely let go of him to learn it by experiencing it himself.) But, to some degree, we as parents may have to close our eyes, without caring the little details, and just let him do it himself, which is truly an art of parenting that we should learn... which is being generous and open-minded (I have to be forgiving his mistakes), being emotionally stable (I shouldn't get paranoid easily, and have to stop screaming and yelling...), being loving (I have to pray that God will help me be loving when he's being so unlovable...), and most importantly, have to enjoy the adventure with him! (I have to have this child-like heart and getting excited and enjoy to play with him, looking at the world through his eyes...) What a tough and diffidult thing it is to be a parent!!! I often blow it. But, I thank God that He gave me such a special kid like Racchan. He helped me understand so many truths and love of God. After all, God is also our heavenly Father. In order to understand the love of a Father is to be a mother or a father ourselves.  So, through lively and happy Racchan and adorable and calm Ecchan, I learned so many precious truths and lessons about God's love for us. I know that I will experience so many tough things while raising them. When they are older, I bet I will have more tough things coming as a mom. I am sure I will be crying the sad and helpless tears. But, I'm also sure that I will be laughing so happily with happy tears in my eyes as well. And, maybe, I will also have sleepless nights worrying about them too much. But, I'm sure that I will probably also have sleepless nights because I am too excited and happy about/for them. I will have many many wonderful days in my life with them. So, I am so thankful that I have a chance to live a life like this and watching my sons growing in God's love with my husband. May all the glory be given to God! 


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