
We have been incubating a tiny tummy alien for a while.
And, we finally had a chance to see him/her last night!

九月中的晚上外面空氣,已經帶著初冬的味道。我們等這一刻等了好久了。預約在9:15pm,我們大概九點出發,停車在路邊,走到geboortecentrum。晚上涼涼的風輕輕的在我們的身體周圍飄動。又興奮,又緊張。走在暗暗的路上,心裡想著未見的小生命。他到底長得怎麼樣? 他真的在我肚子裡嗎? 他有沒有好好的? 

The night breeze of the mid September smelt like that of early winter. We have been waiting for this moment for so long. Our appointment is 9:15pm, so we departed for the clinic around 9pm. After parked the car on the side road parking, we walked towards geboortecentrum. The gentle breeze of September danced around us as we walked towards the clinic. Excited and nervous. Walking in the darkness, our hearts were thinking about the precious life growing inside of me. What does s/he look like? Is s/he really inside my belly? Is s/he growing well? Healthy?


There was nobody inside the clinic. Well, at least, we didn't see anybody there. The night table light softly embrased the corner space of the small waiting room. We heard the happy laughter from one of the rooms. There was nobody at the reception counter to help us. The door of the office behind the reception counter was slightly opened, and the light was peaking through it. Maybe, somebody's inside?

"Excuse me~?" 

我喊叫。但沒回應。在櫃台附近站著等人出來招待,但好像也沒人出來。老公開始拍紀錄片。不久從echokamer (超音波室) 走出來一對夫妻,笑地很開心,然後走出去。好像下一對是我們囉? 裡面走出來一個瘦瘦,不高不矮地40歲左右的女生,問我: "Inki Lin?" "Yes!" Staff親切地請我門進去。

I called for attention. No reply comes back. So, we waited at the reception counter for help. Still, nobody comes out. Then, my husband started to tape me and the room. soon, a couple seemed to have just finished their session and came out from the ultrasound room. With a happy and cheerful laughter, they walked out the clinic. So, I guess, we are the next? Out came of the room was a skinny lady, who is neither too tall nor too short, about 40 years old or so. Then, she asked me my name, "Inki Lin?" So I said, "Yes!" The staff kindly asked us to come in the echo room.  

Echokamer是一個小小燈光柔柔的小房間。前面有一桌長長的躺椅。房間左邊有連在牆壁的半圓的桌子。躺椅得這一邊是給老公坐的椅子,那一邊是staff坐的椅子跟超音波機器。他叫我躺在臥椅上,半身起坐。我前面也有一個monitor。然後開始問一些資料後,他把淺藍冷冷冰冰的透明果凍狀的潤滑器擠在我的肚子上,然後拿著超音波器的手棒 (不知怎麼稱呼這個東西) 讓它在我的肚皮上滑來滑去。不久,monitor裡就有一些影像出現。然後慢慢,慢慢,看得出來是個小小的人在裡面動來動去。

The ultrasound room is a very small room with dim light. In front of me is a long declining examination chair. On my left side is a half-circled desk attaching the wall surrounding half of the room. Then, there are some chairs for the husbands on my side of the chair, and some chairs and a ECHO machine on the other side of the chair. I lied on the chair with my upper body slightly lifted up. I have one monitor in front of me as well. First, she asked me about my information, then she squeezed cold transparent blue gelly on my belly. She used the ECHO bar (which I don't know what exactly it is called by the expert...) rolled all over my belly. Soon, there appeared some greyish images on the monitor, which gradually became more focused. Then, here appears our little tummy alient moving like crazy right in front of our eyes!!!  

"Is that him?" 


My husband asked.

"Ye~s. Ha~i, papa~. That's the baby." 

Staff 小著回答。

The lady replied.


"Why is his belly so huge?"


My husband asked me.


"That's normal for the baby."


I replied and thought it was funny that he asked that.

他好小哦~。有手,有腳,頭好大。啊,心臟在跳耶!!! 心臟在跳耶~~~~!!!!! 動來動去的,好好動喔!!! (難怪我會這麼噁心???) 還會招手! 他在招手ㄟ~~~!!! 他也在吸手指頭耶~~~~!!! 哇~~~。他踢來踢去的,轉來轉去的,真的好好動哦~~~!!! 

Oh my God~, he's so tiny! He has arms/hands, legs/feet. His head is so huge! Wow! His heart is beating! His heart is really beating~~~!!!! He's moving around so much. My goodness, he's so active! (No wonder I feel so sick???) He can wave his hand, too! He's waving at us~~~~!!! He's sucking his finger, too~~~~!!! Wow~~~~~!!!! He's kicking his legs, turning around, wow, he does move a lot, so active~~~~!!!

我們好興奮。後來staff問說我們要不要試試看viginal ultrasound,可以看到更清楚的影像。問會不會對我跟寶寶有危險,他說不會。所以我答應他做。老公好緊張。問這是什麼,我有沒有聽過這種東西,怎麼做,等等。我跟他說明後,他好像就比較安心。Viginal ultrasound是用一支瘦瘦地長棒,大約20cm,插進去媽媽的陰道裡看小朋友的技術。用這種方法得到的影像會比從肚子外面照的超音波影像來得更清楚。雖然可以感覺有東西在陰道及子宮口附近動來動去,但一點都不會痛。看著monitor裡的小外星人在我們三個人面前快樂地表演超人特能show,我們開心地不得了。他真的是一個小小的人,會動,會踢,會招手,會吸手指頭,會轉來轉去,頭會搖來搖去 (好像小孩子在唱歌的時候那種搖頭),心臟在跳,會吸羊水,會尿尿....。他只是很小很小而已,現在只有4.5公分,可是已經是一個人了。

We were so excited. Then, the lady asked us if we would like to try "viginal ultrasound," which could give us a better image of the baby. After making sure with her that there would be no risk for me and our baby, I agreed to do it. But, my husband was quite nervous about it because he knew nothing about such thing. He kept asking me what it was, if I have heard of such thing (which I haven't), how she does it, etc. After I explained to him what the lady explained to me, he seemed to be more comfortable about it. Viginal ultrasound is a type of ultrasound technology that the examiner insert a thin long (appx. 20cm long) bar into the vigina to have a close look at the baby. She would move around the stick inside to get a better angle and image. I could feel that something is inside me moving, but it didn't hurt at all. I looked at the tummy alien on the monitor performing an acrobat and dance show for us. We were so happy to see him/her. S/he is really really tiny person who can move, kick legs, wave hands, suck fingers, turn around, moving heads to the left and to the right (just like kids singing), flipping around, etc. His/her heart beats. S/he drinks the amniofluids. S/he can pee as well! S/he is just very tiny, about 4.5cm average, but is already a human being. 

Staff量他的頭頂到脊椎下端的長度。他有平均4.6cm左右。這是以US GA的標準來說,是有那麼一點點大。可是沒有差很多。所以本來從我的最後一次月經完的第一天推測的出產期是明年4月12日 (也就是說他現在是10週4天大),可是以他的大小推測出來的出產期是4月8日 (也就是說他現在的大小是11週1天大)。會是高寶寶嗎? 我就想。老公看著看著,開始猜他是男的,還是女的。

The lady measured from our baby's head to the end of his backbone. It was about 4.6cm average for 3 measures. This is a bit larger than the US GA standard for his age, but not too different from it. The original EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery) calculating from the first day of my last period was April 12th, 2009. But, the new EDD calculated from his actual size is now April 8th, 2009, a couple days earlier than original EDD. Will s/he be a tall baby? I wondered. Looking at the monitor, my husband started to guess if the baby was a boy or a girl. 

"他是男的。" 他說。["He's a boy," said he.]
"嗯~,不是,他是女的。" 他自己否定。["Umm, no, she's a girl," he denied his first guess.]
"怎麼說呢?" 我問他。["Why so?" I asked.]
"因為看不到....。" ["'Cuz I don't see the P-thing...."]
"現在怎麼可能看得到啊~~~~!? " 我哈哈大笑。["You won't be able to see it yet at this stage~~!" I laughed]
"可是我的直覺是男的耶。" ["But, my first instinct tells me that he's a boy."]
"因為他很好動?" ["Why? Because s/he moves around so much?"]
"對。" ["Yeah."]
"其實我也是耶。我覺得他會很像你....。因該很皮。" ["Actually, I thought so, too. I think he will be just like you, gonna be so nutty!"]

我們邊看邊討論到底寶寶是男是女。後來,staff幫我們印了四張超音波影像,送給我們。從geboortecentrum走出來,我們還在興奮中。"好神奇喔,肚子裡面真的有人耶~。" 我說。"嗯~。" 老公回答我。回到家,我們開始看老公拍的紀錄片。還看了兩次! 拍一下超音波影像。然後將近凌晨一點時打電話回台灣報喜。以下是他們的反應。

As we watched our tiny tummy alien's acrobat performance, we were discussing if s/he is a boy or a girl. At the end of the session, the lady printed 4 copies of the images for us. Walking out to the night street again, we were still in the heat of a total excitement. "So, awesome! I really have a tiny person in my belly," said I. "I know~," replied my husband. After we got home, we watched the video that he taped. We watched it twice! We also photographed the sonic picture of the ECHO image. Then, when it's almost 1am, it was the time to call back home for a surprise! Followings are their reaction.

1. 老公爸爸: My father-in-law
老公: 爸,你要當阿公了。
My husband (W): Dad, you are going to be a grandpa now.

爸爸: 厚~ (台語)
FIL: Oh...

我: 爸爸知道你說了什麼嗎?
Me: Does dad know what you are talking about?

老公: 不知道耶.... 爸~,你要當阿公了~!
W: Not really sure.... Dad? You are going to be a grandpa~!

爸爸: 厚~,ㄚㄋㄟ喔~~~~!!! 啊~,哈哈哈~~~!!! 是雙胞胎是吧~~~~~? 厚~,ㄚㄋㄟ哦~~~! 爸爸很高興啦~~~! (笑的很開心中)
FIL: Oh, yeah? [Laughing loud] Is it twins~~~~~!? Oh, is that so? I'm very happy!!!

注: 爸爸是我們結婚前就很想當阿公了。
Note: My father-in-law already declaired to become a grandpa even before we got married.

2. 老公媽媽: My mother-in-law
媽媽: "恭喜妳們。"
MIL: "Congratulations."

我: "謝謝~。"
Me: "Thank you~."

然後媽媽問我現在的狀況,叫我能吃什麼就吃什麼。可是薏仁不能吃,因為有些人吃了會流產。還有漢藥也不要隨便亂吃。三餐要很用心做,三餐顧好營養就夠了。後來我發現媽媽懷孕時喜歡吃的東西也是跟我一樣是番茄!!! 也說沒有吃醬油。我也是聞到醬油味就噁心。"女生話題"從這邊開始! 哈哈~。

Then, she asked me how I was doing. She told me to eat whatever I can eat at this stage except for the bally because some people have misccariage by eating it. She also told me not to take Chinese medicine that we don't know how it works. She adviced me to cook nutritious meals because if the meals were well balanced in nutrition, then we don't need something extra. Then, we found out that when she was pregnant, she was also crazy about tomatoes, which I am, too. She avoided soysauce, which also makes me sick just thinking about it. Then, we started some "women's talk." 

3. 我媽媽: My mom
我: "媽媽,我有一個消息要告訴你。"
Me: "Mom, I have a news for you."

媽媽: "ㄚㄋㄚ? 妳有了?"
Mom: "What news? Are you pregnant?"

我: "嗯,明年四月,你又會多了一個孫子了~!"
Me: "Yeah, I am! You will have another grandchild next April!"

媽媽: "ああ~、良かった!(啊~,太好了!)"
Mom: "Oh, that's good!"

注: 我爸爸跟媽媽都很擔心我年紀大了(也只有31歲說....),說不一定很難懷孕。從姊姊那邊聽說,如果我在沒有"好消息"要告訴他們,他們準備要寄一些中藥給我,幫我"中獎"......。 天下父母心....
Note: My dad and mom were so worried that we weren't getting pregnant yet. They thought it might be harder for me to get pregnant because I'm not young anymore (....I'm only 31 years old, u know...). My sister told me that my dad and mom were planning to send us some Chinese medicine that my aunt used to help us get pregnant if they haven't heard about our pregnancy for a while.... 

4. 我爸爸: My dad
My dad was on the way back to Hokkaido (Japan), so I couldn't reach him yesterday. My mom told him about this news first, then I told him myself today when he called me.

我: "爸爸,你有聽說了嗎?"
Me: "Dad, you have heard from mom?"

爸爸: "有。你媽昨天有告訴我了。"
Dad: "Yes, your mom told me yesterday."

我: "嘿嘿嘿。你明年又要多了一個孫子了。"
Me: "Heheh~. You are going to have another grandchild next year."

爸爸: "おめでとう~。你愛卡 (台語) 気をつけて (日語) 啦。" (恭喜。你自己要小心喔。)
Dad: "Congratulations. You have to be careful now, ok?"

My dad normally doesn't say much at those news. But, I heard from mom that he was so worried about us. He usually doesn't ask things like this, but my mom said that he has been asking if we were pregnant yet. Dad, now you are relieved from the worry? We are pregnant now.

5. 老公奶奶: (以下全台語對話) My grandma-in-law
老公: "阿媽,我有消息要告訴你啦。"
W: "Ama (grandma in Taiwanese), I have a news to tell you."

阿媽: "有消息要告訴我? 是好消息囉?"
Ama: "You have a news to tell me? It's a good news, right?"

老公: "嗯,是好消息啦。"
W: "Yeah, it's a good news."

阿媽: "你們有啦?"
Ama: "You are pregnant?"

老公: "嗯,你要當阿ㄓㄡ了。"
W: "Yep. You are going to be a greatgrandma!"

阿媽: "厚~,ㄚㄋㄟ好,ㄚㄋㄟ好~!!! 你爸等這一句等好久了! 他會很高興。"
Ama: "Oh, that's good. That's good! Your dad has been waiting for this word for a long long time! He must be very happy!"

老公: "我已經跟爸爸說了。"
W: "I have already told dad about this."

阿媽: "你要好好對待人家喔。重的東西不要讓他拿,高的東西你要幫他拿。知道嗎?"
Ama: "You gotta be good to her. You shouldn't let her lift heavy stuff. And, you should take it for her when she's trying to reach to the things in a high place. You got that?"

老公: "嗯,知道。"
W: "Yeah, I know."

注: 因為阿公阿媽最近有一些事給他們老人家的打擊很大,我們想要告訴他們這個喜報讓她們開心一點。
Note: Due to some tough trials that my grandpa- and grandma-in-law have been going through lately, I wanted to lighten up their hearts by deliverying this good news to them. 

6. Y老師: (老公的恩師): Ms. Y (My husband's high school teacher)
老公: "老師,我們有一個消息要告訴你啦~。"
W: "Teacher, we have a new for you."

老師: "你有消息要告訴我? 好啊,你說。"
Ms. Y: "You have a news for me? Ok. Go on."

老公: "我們啊~,要須要請你幫我們的小孩想名字了~。"
W: "We now need you to think about the names to help us name our baby~."

老師: "啊? INKI還孕了~!? 太好了,太好了~~~~!!!! 我要吃三碗肉燥飯~~~~~!!!!!" (我們還不知道為什麼要吃三碗肉燥飯。是台灣習俗???)
Ms. Y: "Ah? Inki is pregnant? That's so good, that's so good! I have to eat three bowls of ro-zou-fan (a Taiwanese dish)!!!" (We still cannot figure out why she had to eat three bowls of ro-zou-fan.... Maybe it's some Taiwanese tradition...???)


I don't quite remember what else they talked about because Ms. Y was in total excitement. I think she asked about how I was doing. Then, my husband told her that my morning sickness is quite bad. Then, she told him that since this is a good news, this is a "good suffering" kinda thing...

以上,因為大家都等了好久了 (其實我們結婚也還不到一年.....),馬上猜得出來是什麼 "消息"。聽到大家高興的回應,收到大家的祝福,老公,我連肚子裡的寶寶都很高興。(他在我們面前跳舞。) 也很感謝大家的祝福跟advise。看來這個小外星人,等他出生那一天,一定會是很多人疼愛的幸福小寶寶。爸爸跟媽媽都好期待見到你,把你抱在手中喔。

Aboves are their reactions to our breaking news. Since everybody was waiting for this news for so long (But, we have just gotten married 9 months ago...), they all guessed right away what our "news" was about. After hearing their happy feedback and received so much blessings from them, my husband, me and even our little one in my belly was dancing with joy. We also are very thankful for everyone's sincere advice for us. I can see even now that our little tummy alien will be blessed and loved by so many people since the day s/he is born. Baby, daddy and mommy are so excited to meet you next year and hold you inside of our arms.


Now, we would love to share our little tummy alien's photos with you all!

*側面橫躺: 頭在右邊,接下來是他爸爸所謂的大肚子,最左邊是他的腿。上面一點是他的手。右邊可看到他的鼻子,嘴巴,還有眼睛。
*The horizontal side view: From far right: Head, trunk body, legs. The little dot between his head and trunk is his arm.

*側面站: 上面是頭。然後身體,再來是腿。這是從外面照得超音波,比較沒那麼清楚。
*The vertical side view: From the top: Head, trunk body, legs. This image was taken using the exterior-echo, the one seeing through the my belly, so not as clear as others.

*正面: 右邊是頭,然後身體。最左邊是腿。上下的圓圈是手。
*The front view: From far right: Head, trunk body, legs. The two dots on the top and bottom are his arms.

*側面橫躺: 這個是用viginal ultrasound拍的影像,比較清楚。右邊是頭,接下來是身體,然後是腿。腿跟腿中間地點是umbilical cord。
*Another horizontal side view: This image was taken using viginal ultrasound (and so are the first one and the third one), and is obviously clearer than the exterior ultrasound. From far right: head, trunk body, legs. The little dot between his legs are the umbilical cord, not the P-thing.  


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