
9月15日(禮拜一): 13:06pm


What a nice weather today.
Sunny and blus sky and nice automn breeze....
How much I wish the weather will be like this the rest of 
the year...! I feel much better in this weather...
Although my clothes still can hide it, 
my tummy is definitely growing. 
The vertical smooth bump from the underchest to
the lower belly proves the existance of the life inside.
On thursday this week, finally we get to see our baby!

第11週.... 從三,四天前,不知為什麼肚子變得很漲。這種漲,又不是說很會"吹喇叭"的那種漲。不太會"吹喇叭",但又不會馬上消,因此壓住腸胃,甚至於胸部,因此會引起噁心的感覺。這個感覺吃完飯更糟。這好像是一種Hormone叫"Progesteron"在做怪的關係。還有,最近不知為什麼很容易吃壞肚子。真的好難受。本來就害喜狀況讓我吃不多,也沒什麼味口,可是可以吃的時候,吃了又噁心,又抓兔,又找洗手間的,還真擔心自己的身體內的營養狀況。今天早上眼壓過高,眼睛會痛也因該是因為這樣的狀況讓我體內的Mineral balance失調的關係吧....

The 11th week.... Since a few days ago, I feel so gaseous and so bloated... This kind of "stuffed" feeling is not quite the same to when you eat some gas forming food that makes you want to "blow the trunpet" a lot... No, not at all. It's just stucked inside, opressing my GI, chest, thus triggering the sensation of "car sick." This is said to caused by the surging level of progesteron during this period of pregnancy that causes the formation of more gases, which slowers digestion after the meal. Therefore, this kind of "sickness" is even worse after eating the meal. On top of this, probably due to the bad digestion or whatever, I tend to have some episode of vomiting and diarrhea after the meal lately.... I'm already not able to eat much due to the "morning sickness", now I am so scared to "eat" due to such condition, which decreased my appetite even more... Sometimes I can eat, but after eating, I feel sick quite immediately... Alas... I'm a bit worried about my own health now. This morning, I woke up with a terrible eye-ache probably caused by high pressure in the blood vessel around the eyes due to the loss of the mineral balance....

可是,很多書上以及網路上的文章,還有有經驗的朋友們都說"不用擔心"。因為 1) 雖然我不太能吃,或是吃也為某些理由"不能吸收",除非是很長的一段時間我完全沒吃,要不寶寶不會受影響。他還是會從我的身體內吸收他須要的營養素。反而擔心的是母體的健康而已,2) 害喜的時候,本來就不太能吃。科學根據說其實有害喜的狀況,因為讓胎兒比較有機會從母體吸收營養素,流產的機率比較小。[When the Belly Button Pops, the Baby's Done by Lorilee Craker] 他們都建議這個時候,不要勉強吃,能吃的時候,不要太管營養素均勻不均勻,反正看能吃什麼,什麼時候能吃,就照自己的狀況飲食。出門時帶包餅乾還是什麼的,不要讓肚子是完全空空的狀態。所以,雖然我已經瘦了差不多5公斤,因該還不會怎麼樣。

The good news is, due to many books and online pregnancy information sites and some experienced mom friends, that "I don't have to worry." The reasons are: 

1) Although I may not be able to eat, or for some reason losing the nutrients that I've actually swallowed into my system, unless I don't eat at all for a prolonged period of time, this condition will not affect our growing baby. S/he will just absorb whatever s/he needs from my body. If there's someone needs to be worried, it will be me, not our baby.

2) It is very natural that pregnant woman won't be able to eat much during the first trimester if she is experiencing the morning sickness. The scientific data actually indicates that women who experience morning sickness have less chances of miscarriage. [When the Belly Button Pops, the Baby's Done by Lorilee Craker] 

So, all my mom friends suggest that I don't force myself to eat if I cannot eat. Instead, they told me to carry crackers or something that I can eat with me all the time, and just eat a bite or two when I feel hungry because a totally empty stomach will make me even more sick! So, I guess, although I have already lost 5kg due to morning sickness, I think I'm still ok.....(?)

這個時候,老公就真的很體貼。晚上,我噁心睡不著,我請他幫我安憮背部。(這樣會舒服多) 雖然他也累,他還是很樂意的幫我安憮背。可是也不能一直請他安憮,他手也會痠。從我們發現我們懷孕開始到現在,因為我的身體狀況一直在變,有時突然會累到在沙發上休息竟然睡著了,心情上也因為Hormone的關係有時會比較負面,比較不穩定。我知道他也須要我照顧他,所以其實有時很不好意思,但自己目前的狀況真的只能做最基本的家事而已。可是他到現在沒有一句怨言。我能做的,就做。不能做的,他就默默的幫我。他晚上還會一定跟寶寶說故事。好溫馨。我這一生做了很多錯誤的選擇,錯誤的判斷,但選他當老公這件事,可能是我做的好選擇當中也是最對的選擇之一吧。寶寶長大,我一定要告訴他,他爸爸有多麼努力的做好爸爸,好老公。如果是女的,我要跟他說要選像他爸爸這樣的老公,如是男的,我要跟他說要像他爸爸這樣疼愛他老婆。神,對我真好...。

My husband has been very helpful and very loving. During night time, when I feel sick due to the gaseous GI and burning chest, I usually ask him to gently rub my back for me. (I feel much better when he rubs my back.) Although he himself is so tired already, he will happily rub my back for me without any complaint. But, I cannot let him do that all the time, of course, because he will have a sore arm! Since when we found out that we were pregnant, my body/health condition has been dramatically changing every week. Sometimes, I found myself amazingly falling asleep on the sofa where I just wanted to rest a bit on it. Also, due to the hormonal changes, my emotional swings have been quite reticulous sometimes that makes me going through emotional rollercoasters, and sometimes really really blue phases.... I know that he wants me to take care of him, thus feeling bad not being able to do it when I'm so sick. I really can just manage the very basic of the houseworks at this point due to my "sickness". But, he has never complained. I do what I can. Then, what I cannot do, he does it for me without complaints. At night time, he talks to our baby. He tells stories. So comforting and feels so warm inside looking at him doing it. I probably have made lots and lots of wrong choices and wrong decisions, but choosing him to be my husband to go through the journey of life is probably one of the best and right choices that I have made in my entire life. When our baby grows big enough, I will tell him/her that his/her dad was such a great dad who makes so much effort to be an excellent dad and husband. If our baby is a girl, I will tell her to find a man like her dad. If our baby is a boy, I will tell him to be like his dad and to love his wife like his dad does. God is so good to me.... 


Our baby's growth during this week will be as below. 

"重要的器官都已經成形,因此到這個週末寶寶會渡完最虛弱的時期,同時也可以說進了安全期了。這個時候不會有任何先天性奇形,或除了風疹,也比較不容易受感染。例如卵巢或是精巢等的外性器官也已成形。心臟也開始送血液到身體內的主要器官。寶寶的體重大約10公克(10g),體長大約5.5公分(5.5cm)。" [原文來自於: The Illustrated Guide to Pregnancy Babycare and Baby Food by Alidon Mackonochie and Sara Lewis]

"Most of the major organs are formed, so the most vulnerable time will be over by the end of this week. the baby is now relatively safe from any congenital abnormalities and infections, exceting rubella. The external genitals have formed, along with either ovaries or testicles. The heart is now pumping blood to all the major organs of the body. The baby weighs around 10g (1/2oz) and is now about 5.5cm (2 1/8 in) long."  [The Illustrated Guide to Pregnancy Babycare and Baby Food by Alidon Mackonochie and Sara Lewis]

週四,我們約了ECHO,終於可以看到寶寶了!!! 我好期待,好興奮!!! 我們說好,只要看完第一次ECHO就要跟台灣那邊的家族報告寶寶的存在了! 

This Thursday, we have our first ECHO (ultrasound) appointment. I'm so looking forward to and extremely excited to finally get to meet our little tummy alien! My husband and I have an agreement that we will let our families back in Taiwan know about our pregnancy once the first ECHO is done! 

我也有參加BabyCenter的News Letter. 他會告訴我這週我跟寶寶狀況,也會教教老公可以怎麼幫忙。如有人懷孕了,可以參加看看喔~。上面的 "When the Belly Button...." 那一本書裡有介紹以下三個網站。都是英文的。可是Baby Center的話,好像也可以選擇中國地區的樣子。(我是選美國的。)

I have signed up for BabyCenter (a website for pregnant women) to receive weekly newsletter that tells me about my changing body, our growing baby and how our husbands/partners can help during this period of time. If anybody's pregnant now, I recommend her to sign up for this website. The book introduced above ("When the Belly Button....") recommended three following websites that have similar services. All are in English. But, you also get to choose "Within China" option for Baby Center. (I chose within US of course...) (這個不知為什麼,我進不去....)

下面的3D ECHO照片是不知哪一家小孩的,也是從Baby center下載借用的照片。(引用網頁:

The ECHO image below is somebody's baby 3D ECHO downloaded from the Baby Center updates for baby at 10 weeks. (Image source:

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